Screwfix Graduation 2022
In August we hosted our first face to face Graduation to celebrate colleagues who have passed our Trade Up to Assistant Manager, Trade Up to Branch Manager and Power Up Programmes. We recently caught up with some of our 2022 Graduates to find out what they enjoyed most about their Graduation Ceremony and Trade Up programmes. Hear from Ryan Beale, Assistant Store Manager at Camberley below:

" My time on the course was hard and challenging but completely worth it in the end, the course will give you a completely different outlook on how to manage your team and what to look for involving marketing, merchandising, controlling cost and much more.
My main gain was being able to use my team to self-reflect on my managing style and getting to see the impact it had on my team by making changes to the way I managed.
I changed as a person and my focus in store was not so much about the every day running, it was about the team and finding ways of motivating them to achieve more.
Anyone can do the course, I suffer with dyslexia and got extra time, reader and support throughout my time, the learning coaches will do everything they can to support you.
At the end of the course you will be overwhelmed with how far you have come, this really hit home on graduation day when you see hundreds of others who have also passed and get to hear about there amazing journeys. You will get this massive sense of achievement going up on stage collecting your award realising all the hard work has paid off"
To date, our programmes have been completed by over 400 of our colleagues. Thank you to our Leadership & Talent Team, the wider HR Team, Branch Managers and Area Managers for your hard work and support in running the programmes and working so closely with our learners.