Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022
It's Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022. Hear from Area Manager & Us Inclusion Ambassador, Laurence Lingard- Lane who shares his inspiring story below:

"I’m Dyslexic, it’s a very big part of me, and a very good thing. But I didn’t realise this until much later in my life.
At 7, I couldn’t read or write at all. My mum fought hard to get me the support I needed, and I was tested and statemented by 8. This gave me some very crucial support outside of standard schooling. So, thanks to mum and a very brilliant teacher I was helped, and I know I was lucky, a lot luckier than some.
Beyond that support, my school experience wasn’t good. My diversity quickly became a label and a way for others to exclude me. I was told things like you can’t and you won’t. So, in all honesty I gave up, as I think many children do. By the time my schooling was ending, I wasn’t interested. Why try when you’ve already being told you’ve failed?
When I moved on from school at the age of 16, I had a pivotal moment. I started working and I applied to college. In that moment I was able to define who I was and not be defined by my Neurodiversity.
My application form for college asked if I had any learning difficulties. I remember so clearly and with so much conviction, ticking NO.
From there being dyslexic was something I hid, from everyone. And life got easier. But why?
So here I am, 24 years later. What I’ve learnt, mostly in my time with Screwfix is that being dyslexic is something I should be proud of, a strength and not a weakness. Realising this wasn’t easy, and I can honestly say, I wouldn’t have been this open even a few years ago. My life didn’t become easier because I hid who I was, it wasn’t until I could be more open that things really changed. I’m empowered by that, and I am far happier than I’ve ever been.
But this isn’t about me, it’s about Us. I’ve come to realise that by talking about my experiences, I get to hear other peoples and that is so important. I can help people and I can grow.
That’s the point and that is the responsibility."