National Inclusion Week 2022
National Inclusion Week is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Founded by Inclusive Employers, the event is now in its tenth year. This year’s Inclusion Week theme is 'Time to Act: The Power of Now'. Read more about what we are doing to help make Screwfix a more inclusive workplace below:
At Screwfix we’ve made great progress on our inclusion journey with the help of our Us Inclusion Network and will continue to listen and learn to drive inclusion as a business. Throughout the week there will be daily themes and tasks which will run along side them. These vary from sharing who you are, which can be as simple as adding pro-nouns to your email signature, to becoming an active ally and supporting the drive of Inclusion across the business. Here’s what inclusion means to some of our Us Inclusion Ambassadors:
“For me, inclusion is all about making people feel welcome and safe to express who they choose to be.” Dunya, Marketing Manager
“What inclusion means to me is everybody has the confidence to be yourself and being the best version of yourself always.” Saj, Branch Manager
“To me, inclusion means being authentic and recognising that differences are a positive thing. Allowing others to be their authentic selves, by being honest about who we are. I think it’s the key to happiness. Everyone has the right to be happy.” Laurence, Area Manager.